706ft-high tower for Miami by Zaha Hadid Architects

Zaha Hadid Architects' designs for One Thousand Museum in Miami revealed

Images have been revealed of Zaha Hadid Architects’ residential tower in downtown Miami entitled One Thousand Museum. The condominium incorporates 83 residential units anchored by a commercial block on the ground floor which is expected to attract luxury retail brands and restaurants.

The high-rise tower will reach 706ft into the Miami skyline and boast apartments between 5,400 sq ft and 11,000 sq ft, with renderings showing that Hadid’s sculptural aesthetic extends into the internal space. Smooth lines and curved furnishings dress high-level apartments with far-reaching views across the waterfront.

These residential units offer the top-end luxuries that one would expect at a price of $4m-$30m, including private lifts to the residences, libraries, high-tech media rooms and helipads. Additional amenities include a deck with numerous pools and cabanas, rooftop event space, a cigar lounge, billiards room, a fitness centre and various private dining areas.

Developed by Gregg Covin and Louis Birdman, the tower will be constructed with a concrete exoskeleton and transparent glazing system. Concealed balconies will adorn the façade while the retail podium at the base will be cloaked in perforated metal panels.

Covin and Birdman said in a joint statement: “Miami has become a truly global city and we wanted to work with someone who has the vision to create an architectural icon that will capture its unique character. Zaha Hadid is a visionary. The buildings she designs not only make headlines worldwide, but also garner critical acclaim and promise to be in history books for generations to come.”
